Tuesday, August 14, 2007


If a stalker is cute, he is welcomed. Okay.. he may be psycho. But hey, he's cute. Somewhere along the line, the cuteness of a stalker, and I mean, a male stalker, is surely to rub off the shock and rudeness of the stalking. If he is adorable, cute, charming, gorgeous, good built and may I say cute again, he may as well as making the stalking an art. So, for a cute stalker, it is an


But if the stalker is large, big tummy, bald, balding, ugly, or ugly, or ugly, that stalker is an


I have an ewwwwwwww. After several messages, I got my guts to contact him and to tell him that I am not interested. Fr'dae. Instead of a place for me to find my one true love, I become a old man, ugly man, fat man magnet. They keep writing me, and sending me hearts.

Knowing my luck, which I would say comes down to my Ted-ness, some people out there might think I might as well accept one of them as a lover. I need a cute stalker, and I need one quick!

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